Dispense medicines 配药盒 scatula;Regulate 调剂身心 provide physical and mental relaxation;配药的英文: dispense (drugs) prescribe 参考例句: Please prepare the medicine for me according to this prescription 请按处方给我配药。

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Dispense 英文-Our dispensers, dispense valves, automated dispensing systems, syringe barrels, and precision dispense tips are trusted for applying controlled amounts of adhesives, sealants, oils, and other highperformance assembly fluids EFD also offers a complete line of quality ISO 9001 certified solder paste for printing and dispensingDispense这个英文词,中文意思如下:发放。 Meaning of dispense for the defined word 在语法上,这个单字"dispense"是一个名词,更具体地来说,是一个可数名词。

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無需 "dispense as directed" 中文翻譯 : 按指示調劑,按醫囑配藥 "dispense asManage vaccine, drug and medical consumable inventories at an optimum level in clinic dispensary, maintaining safe and secure咱们能免去这些礼节吗? Protest is dispensed with by any circumstance which would dispense with notice of dishonour 拒绝证书可根据任何免除作不能兑现通知之情况而免除。
Let us dispense with formalities 我们别讲客套(免除礼节,节省手续)。 She dispenses these tickets to early birds 她把这些票分发给早来的人。 You can't dispense with a stove in winter here 这里的冬天你不得不用炉子。 We'd dispense with charity drives 我们要放弃慈善捐款运动。Responsibilities Prepare and dispense vaccines and drugs accurately and efficiently according to the prescriptions;Force sb to do sth;
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配药 Can we dispense with the formalities?Dispense 當動詞為「分發、供應」的意思,所以 dispenser 就是可以提供某樣東西的機器,像是 cash dispenser(提款機)、soap dispenser(皂液器)。 如果是特別強調有用濾芯過濾水的飲水機,可以說:filtered water dispenser 如果要強調飲水機具備製冷、製熱的功能,可以說:hot/cool water dispenser This water dispenser is under repair We need to find another one氣溶膠噴罐;氣溶膠發生器 "alcohol dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 酒精倒入器;

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自動售貨機 "automatic dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 自動投餌機 "bait dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 毒餌撒布器 "bill dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 出鈔模塊 "bomb dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 子母彈箱An electric fan, and fine water spray dispenser are useful in the management of any discomfort or pain 來自 Cambridge English Corpus 更多例句 减少例句调剂生活 enliven one's life;

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COVID19 Law Lab – Collecting Legal Documents from the COVID19 Response Leaflet Designations employed & presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UN or WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning theJul 10, 18 · Find out why dispense tips are the most critical aspect of your dispensing process and how to begin choosing the best one for your application时间有限, 我不得不赶紧。 as time is limited, i have to hurry

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With builtin infrared motion and precise sensor detection technology, this automatic soap dispenser can detect your hand instantly and dispense soap in just 02 seconds There are 4 levels of soap volume Press on button to choose the amount ofMake up a prescription;《英文msh詞典》Dispensing Fees 同義詞 Dispensing Fees 主題詞 Prescription Fees 中文釋義 配藥費 英文釋義 The charge levied on the consumer for drugs or therapy prescribed under written order of a physician or other health professional

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The dispense process is paused while waiting for an external event to reactivate the dispense For example, new stock has arrived or the prescriber has called completed Completed The dispensed product has been picked up enteredinerror Entered in Error配药学 pharmacy "调剂"英文翻译 1(配制药物) make up a prescription2(调整) adjust;Oct 25, 06 · (a) Safe dispensing of drugs has always been of primary concern to the Administration

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The waiter trainman waiter / waitness waitress "吧台服务员"英文翻译 dispense bartender "病房服务员"英文翻译 ward attendant "餐车服务员"英文翻译 steward "餐厅服务员"英文翻译 mess boy;1 For two weeks, the cash machine was unable to dispense money 该自动取款机已有两个星期不能提供现金。 来自柯林斯例句 2 We'd dispense with charity drives 我们将不再进行慈善捐款运动 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 I can dispense with this dictionary 我没有这本词典也行 来自《现代英汉综合大360翻译 英文 中文 翻译 人工翻译 0 /5000 360翻译字数限制为5000字符,超过5000字符的内容将不会被翻译 继续查词

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學術名詞 食品科技 dispenser 分配器,分配工,販賣機;Dispensary "配藥盒" 英文翻譯 : dosing boxes "配藥瓶" 英文翻譯 : dispensing bottle "配藥師" 英文翻譯 : pharmacist1藥劑師,配藥者。 2執行者,管理者。 3分與者;分配器;自動售貨機。 "aerosol dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 噴霧器;

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文具英文:測量類 ruler 直尺 compass 圓規 文具英文:黏貼類 glue 膠水 glue stick 口紅膠 paper tape 紙膠帶 invisible tape 透明膠帶 packing tape sealing tape 封箱膠帶 tape dispenser 膠台 double sided tape 雙面膠Nordson EFD is the leading manufacturer of precision fluid dispensing systems Our dispensers, dispense valves, automated dispensing systems, syringe barrels, and precision dispense tips are trusted for applying controlled amounts of adhesives, sealants, oils, and other highperformance assembly fluidsDispense with 1 廢,罷,省;免除 (Let us dispense with formalities 我們別講客套 免除禮節,節省手續)。 2不需要,沒有也行 (I can dispense with an overcoat 我沒有外套也行)。 3豁免 (dispense with a penal statute 免于按刑法規定追究責任)。 "dispense with" 中文翻譯 : 沒有也行;

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"alcohol dispenser" 中文翻譯 : 酒精倒入器;Be obliged to do sth;Dispense dispense 词源字典 dispense 14 Dispense comes ultimately from Latin dispendere 'weigh out' (partial source of English spend)This was a compound verb formed from the prefix dis 'away' and pendere 'weigh', a relative of pendēre 'hang', from which English gets pendulum, pendant, and penthouseIt had a derivative, dispensāre, denoting repeated action hence

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Jun 28, 12 · 发药的英文: dispensing dispensing是什么意思: 配方;英语单词 dispense 来自拉丁语 dispensare ,是 dispendere 的反复动词形式,由 dis ( out )和 pendere (称重)构成,字面意思就是"按重量分发",因此英语单词 dispense 的本意就是"分发、分配",并由此派生出 dispenser (分配者、药剂师、自动售货机)和 dispensary (药房、诊疗所、防治站)等单词。 然而,在辞典中, dispense 还有另一个更加常用的词义,即"豁免、免除Can not refrain from;

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